Isolation and Characterization of Saline Tolerant Pgpb Strains and Their Efficacy on Growth and Yield of Wheat (Triticum Aestivum L.)
Saiyad, Mohsinali Mehboobali
Isolation and Characterization of Saline Tolerant Pgpb Strains and Their Efficacy on Growth and Yield of Wheat (Triticum Aestivum L.) - Anand AAU 2023 - 97
Agricultural Microbiology
576 SAI-I
Isolation and Characterization of Saline Tolerant Pgpb Strains and Their Efficacy on Growth and Yield of Wheat (Triticum Aestivum L.) - Anand AAU 2023 - 97
Agricultural Microbiology
576 SAI-I